Class NetworkConfiguration
Game network configuration.
Namespace: Den.Dev.Grunt.Models.HaloInfinite
Assembly: Den.Dev.Grunt.dll
public class NetworkConfiguration
At this time, a lot of the individual property descriptions are best guesses inferred from their names.
Name | Description |
NetworkConfiguration() |
Name | Description |
AdjustFilmPlaybackSpeed | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the film playback speed needs to be adjusted. |
CellPerformanceLatencyBelowThresholdTimeoutMS | Gets or sets the latency below threshold timeout value in milliseconds. |
CellPerformanceLatencyMaxEventsToSend | Gets or sets the latency maximum events to send. |
CellPerformanceLatencyThresholdMS | Gets or sets the latency threshold in milliseconds. |
CellPerformanceLatencyTrackedTimeForSendMS | Gets or sets the latency tracked time for sends in milliseconds. |
CellPlayerStatusTelemetryUpdateInterval | Gets or sets the status telemetry update interval. |
CellRecordProjectileDiscrepancies | Gets or sets a value indicating whether projectile discrepancies are enabled. |
CellRecordSimulationWarpClientDelayInSeconds | Gets or sets the simulation warp client delay in seconds. |
CellRecordSimulationWarpHostDelayInSeconds | Gets or sets the simulation warp host delay in seconds. |
CellSimulationBlendOrientationDeltaThreshold | Gets or sets the threshold for blend orientation delta. |
CellSimulationBlendPositionDeltaThreshold | Gets or sets the threshold for blend position delta. |
CellSimulationGameTimeMissThresholdInSeconds | Gets or sets the game time miss threshold in seconds. |
CellSimulationHistogramLengthInFrames | Gets or sets the histogram length in frames. |
CellSimulationHistogramThresholdInPct | Gets or sets the histogram threshold in points. |
CellSimulationInventoryRoundsMispredictThreshold | Gets or sets the threshold for inventory rounds misprediction. |
CellSimulationLoadedRoundsMispredictThreshold | Gets or sets the threshold for loaded rounds misprediction. |
CellSimulationNudgeAngularVelocityDeltaThreshold | Gets or sets the threshold for nudge angular velocity delta. |
CellSimulationNudgeLinearVelocityDeltaThreshold | Gets or sets the threshold for nudge linear velocity delta. |
CellSimulationPickupDelayThresholdInSeconds | Gets or sets the pickup delay threshold in seconds. |
CellSimulationProjectileCreationDelayThresholdInSeconds | Gets or sets the threshold in seconds for projectile creation delay. |
CellSimulationWeaponAgeMispredictThreshold | Gets or sets the threshold for weapon age misprediction. |
ChatTeardownOnEnteringGameplay | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether chat should be torn down on entering gameplay. |
ChatTeardownOnExitingGameplay | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether chat should be torn down on exiting gameplay. |
EnableExitExperienceFailureTelemetry | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the exit experience failure telemetry is enabled. |
ForceHopperRefreshTimeMinutes | Gets or sets the time in minutes to force a hopper refresh. |
GriefIdleControllerCenterThreshold | Gets or sets the grief idle controller center threshold. |
GriefIdleControllerHysteresisThreshold | Gets or sets the grief idle controller hyseresis threshold. |
HighlightedHopperSendTimeMs | Gets or sets the highlighted hopper send time in milliseconds. |
HostTeardownTimeoutSeconds | Gets or sets the timeout for host teardown. |
IdleSecondsBeforeBootCampaign | Gets or sets the number of idle seconds betore booting the campaign. |
IdleSecondsBeforeBootCustomGames | Gets or sets the number of idle seconds before booting a custom games. |
IdleSecondsBeforeBootForge | Gets or sets the number of idle seconds to boot Forge. |
InputPollingOnSeparateThread | Gets or sets a value indicating whether input polling is done on a separate thread. |
LobbyConnectionBlockingSpinnerMaxTimeMSec | Gets or sets the lobby connection blocking spinner maximum time in milliseconds. |
LobbyConnectionDelayOnInitialJoinMsec | Gets or sets the lobby connection delay on initial join in milliseconds. |
MainThreadHitchDetectionInReleaseServerThresholdMs | Gets or sets the threshold in milliseconds for main thread hitch detection in release servers. |
Matchmaking2015Enabled | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the 2015 matchmaking configuration is enabled. |
MaxTimeToJoinUDPSessionAfterAppearingInRosterDuringJIPSeconds | Gets or sets the maximum time in seconds to join a UDP session after appearing in roster after Join in Progress (JIP). |
MaxTimeToJoinUDPSessionAfterAppearingInRosterSeconds | Gets or sets the maximum time to join a UDP session after appearing in a game roster. |
MaxTimeToWaitForRogueClientsToAppearInRosterMs | Gets or sets the maximum amount of time in milliseconds to wait for rogue clietns to appear in roster. |
MinimumTimeBetweenLowPriStateUpdatesMsec | Gets or sets the minimum time between low-priority state updates in milliseconds. |
PlayerNotificationUnlistenTimeoutSecs | Gets or sets the player notification unlistening timeout in seconds. |
PresenceRefreshTimeSeconds | Gets or sets the presence refresh time in seconds. |
PriorityBaseNonPlayerMotion | Gets or sets the priority base for non-player motion. |
PriorityMax | Gets or sets the maximum priority. |
PriorityMaxThreshold | Gets or sets the priority maximum threshold. |
PriorityMediumBase | Gets or sets the medium base priority. |
PriorityMediumRelevanceScale | Gets or sets the medium relevance scale priority. |
PriorityMinimumBase | Gets or sets the minimum base priority. |
PriorityMinimumRelevanceScale | Gets or sets the minimum relevance scale priority. |
QoSBadPingLatencyThresholdMsec | Gets or sets the bad ping latency threshold in milliseconds. |
QosFractionMinPacketsOnPacketRecvTimeout | Gets or sets the fraction of minimum packets on packet receipt timeout. |
QosMaxNumRetriesOnPacketRecvTimeout | Gets or sets the maximum number of retries on packet receipt timeout. |
QosMaxNumRetriesResolveDnsName | Gets or sets the maximum number of retries to resolve a DNS name. |
QosMaxNumRetriesToSendPacket | Gets or sets the maximum number of retries to send a packet. |
QosMaxNumRetriesValidateHostAddress | Gets or sets the maximum number of retries to validate a host address. |
QosMaxNumTransportResets | Gets or sets the maximum number of transport resets. |
QosPacketBlackholeTimeoutMs | Gets or sets the packet blackhole timeout in milliseconds. |
QosPacketRecvTimeoutMs | Gets or sets the packet receving timeout in milliseconds. |
QoSRedoAllResultsTimeMs | Gets or sets the time to redo all results in millseconds. |
QosShouldUseNetworkPollster | Gets or sets a value indicating whether a network pollster should be used. |
QosTimeBetweenPacketSendsMs | Gets or sets the time in milliseconds between packet sends. |
ReadyRoomTimerDurationSeconds | Gets or sets the ready room timer duration in seconds. |
RequisitionCatalogNormalRefreshSeconds | Gets or sets the seconds count for requisition catalog normal refresh. |
RequisitionCatalogRetryCount | Gets or sets the retry count for the requisition catalog. |
RequisitionCatalogSecondsBetweenRetries | Gets or sets the number of seconds between retries for requisition catalog retries. |
RequisitionCatalogSecondsBetweenRetryPeriods | Gets or sets the number of seconds between requisition catalog retry periods. |
RequisitionInventoryNormalRefreshSeconds | Gets or sets the seconds count for requisition inventory normal refresh. |
RequisitionInventoryRetryCount | Gets or sets the retry count for the requisition inventory. |
RequisitionInventorySecondsBetweenRetry | Gets or sets the number of seconds between retries for requisition inventory retries. |
RequisitionInventorySecondsBetweenRetryPeriods | Gets or sets the number of seconds between requisition inventory retry periods. |
RogueClientsTriggerImmediateHeartbeatsRogueClientsTriggerImmediateHeartbeats | Gets or sets a value indicating whether rogue clients trigger immediate heartbeat. |
SimulationChangingStateEndPauseTimeoutMs | Gets or sets the timeout in milliseconds for the simulation state change related to ending a pause. |
SimulationChangingStateStartPauseTimeoutMs | Gets or sets the timeout in milliseconds for the simulation state change related to starting a pause. |
SimulationHostJoinMinimumWaitTimeMs | Gets or sets the simulation host join minimum wait time in milliseconds. |
SimulationHostJoinTimeoutMs | Gets or sets the simulation host join timeout in milliseconds. |
SimulationJoinActivationBlockingMachinesFraction | Gets or sets the fraction for join activation blocking machines. |
SimulationJoinTimeoutMs | Gets or sets the simulation join timeout in milliseconds. |
SimulationJoinTotalWaitTimeoutMs | Gets or sets the simulation join total wait timeout in milliseconds. |
SimulationPauseGameRequiredMachinesFraction | Gets or sets the fraction for paused game required machines. |
SimulationWaitForAllClientActivationTimeoutMs | Gets or sets the timeout in milliseconds for the simulation to wait for all client activations. |
TeamBalancerBruteForceMaxPlayers | Gets or sets the maximum number of players brute forced by the team balancer. |
TeamBalancerMaxMMR | Gets or sets the maximum team balancer MMR. |
TeamBalancerMinMMR | Gets or sets the minimum team balancer MMR. |
TeamBalancerMMRExponent | Gets or sets the team balancer MMR exponent. |
TeamBalancerMMRQuantizationSteps | Gets or sets the team balancer MMR quantization steps. |
TimeToWaitBeforeGameSessionGrainStateValidation | Gets or sets the time to wait before game sesison grain state validation is complete. |
TotalMemoryUsagePollIntervalInSeconds | Gets or sets the total memory usage poll interval in seconds. |
TotalMemoryUsageUpdateIntervalInSeconds | Gets or sets the total memory usage update interval in seconds. |
TransportIgnoreNetworkStatusChanged | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the transport logic should ignroe network status changes. |
UDPBandwidthControlCongestingRttPermittedDeviationsFromLockedRtt | Gets or sets the permitted round trip time (RTT) deviations from the predefined (locked) RTT. |
UDPBandwidthControlDriftWindowLatencyDeviationMultiplier | Gets or sets the drift window latency deviation multiplier. |
UDPBandwidthControlEnabled | Gets or sets whether the UDP bandwidth control is enabled. |
UDPBandwidthControlMaximumRttForAutomaticCongestionMsec | Gets or sets the maximum round trip time (RTT) in milliseconds for automatic congestion control. |
UDPBandwidthControlMinPacketSize | Gets or sets the minimum packet size. |
UDPBandwidthControlProbeGrowthRate | Gets or sets the UDP probe growth rate. |
UDPBandwidthControlProbeSettleTimeMs | Gets or sets the time to settle a control probe in milliseconds. |
UDPBandwidthControlQueryTimeAfterDelayMs | Gets or sets the control query time after delay in milliseconds. |
UDPBandwidthControlQueryTimeMinimumMs | Gets or sets the minimum control query time in milliseconds. |
UDPBandwidthControlRecoverMinimumTimeMs | Gets or sets the minimum time to recover in milliseconds. |
UDPBandwidthControlStreamMaximumBandwidthMaximumDelta | Gets or sets the stream maximum bandwidth delta. |
UDPBandwidthControlStreamMaximumBandwidthSkipMax | Gets or sets the stream maximum bandwidth skips. |
UDPBandwidthControlStreamProbeFailureLimit | Gets or sets the stream probe failure limit. |
UDPBandwidthControlStreamRetryGrowthIntervalMsec | Gets or sets the stream retry growth interval in milliseconds. |
UDPBandwidthControlThrottleAllowedOnPacketLoss | Gets or sets a value indicating whether throttle is allowed on packet loss. |
UDPBandwidthControlThrottleCongestedStreamBandwidthMultiplier | Gets or sets the congested stream throttle bandwidth multiplier. |
UDPBandwidthControlThrottleMinimumRollbackMs | Gets or sets the minimum throttle rollback in milliseconds. |
UDPConnectionActiveSendTimeoutMs | Gets or sets the UDP connection active send timeout in milliseconds. |
UDPConnectionDropMinimumActiveTimeMs | Gets or sets the minimum active time in milliseconds to drop a UDP connection. |
UDPConnectRequestTimeoutMs | Gets or sets the UDP connect request timeout in milliseconds. |
UDPEstablishTimeoutMs | Gets or sets the UDP establishment timeout in milliseconds. |
UDPInitialAckTimeoutMsec | Gets or sets the time out in milliseconds for the intial UDP ACK. |
UDPPollsterHeartbeatTimeoutMs | Gets or sets the UDP pollster heartbeat timeout in milliseconds. |
UDPSafetyPacketMaximumInterval | Gets or sets the maximum interval for UDP safety packets. |
UDPSessionJoinInitialUpdateTimeoutMs | Gets or sets the UDP session join initial update timeout in milliseconds. |
UDPStreamMinimumBps | Gets or sets the UDP stream minimum bytes per second (BPS). |
UDPUseEphemeralPort | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use an ephemeral port. |
UgcItemCountRetryCount | Gets or sets the retry count for User-Generated Content (UGC). |
UgcItemCountRetryMs | Gets or sets the retry time in milliseconds for User-Generated Content (UGC) items. |
UgcItemCountRetryPauseSecs | Gets or sets the time in seconds to pause retry for User-Generated Content (UGC). |
UgcMaxItemCountBookmark | Gets or sets the maximum count for bookmarks. |
UgcMaxItemCountFilm | Gets or sets the maximum count for films. |
UgcMaxItemCountForgeObjectGroup | Gets or sets the maximum count for Forge object groups. |
UgcMaxItemCountGameVariant | Gets or sets the maximum count for game variants. |
UgcMaxItemCountMapVariant | Gets or sets the maximum count for map variants. |
UgcMaxItemCountScreenshot | Gets or sets the maximum count for screenshots. |