Class InfectionStats
Statistics related to the Infection matchmade games.
Namespace: Den.Dev.Grunt.Models.HaloInfinite
Assembly: Den.Dev.Grunt.dll
public class InfectionStats
Name | Description |
InfectionStats() |
Name | Description |
AlphaZombiesKilled | Gets or sets the number of alpha zombies killed. |
HumansInfected | Gets or sets the number of humans infected. |
HumansInfectedAsAlpha | Gets or sets the number of humans infected as the alpha zombie. |
KillsAsLastHumanStanding | Gets or sets the number of kills as the last human standing. |
LastHumansStandingInfected | Gets or sets the number of last humans standing infected. |
RoundsAsAlphaZombie | Gets or sets the number of rounds played as the alpha zombie. |
RoundsAsLastHumanStanding | Gets or sets the number of rounds played as the last human standing. |
RoundsFinishedAsZombie | Gets or sets the number of rounds finished as a zombie. |
RoundsSurvivedAsHuman | Gets or sets the number of rounds survived as a human. |
RoundsSurvivedAsLastHumanStanding | Gets or sets the number of rounds survived as the last human standing. |
TimeAsLastHumanStanding | Gets or sets the time spent as the last human standing. |
ZombiesKilled | Gets or sets the number of zombies killed. |