Class HaloInfiniteClient
Client used to access the Halo Infinite API surface.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Den.Dev.Grunt.Core
Assembly: Den.Dev.Grunt.dll
public class HaloInfiniteClient : Den.Dev.Grunt.Core.Foundation.ClientBase
Name | Description |
HaloInfiniteClient() | Initializes a new instance of the HaloInfiniteClient class, used to access the Halo Infinite API. |
HaloInfiniteClient(String, String, String, Boolean, String) | Initializes a new instance of the HaloInfiniteClient class, used to access the Halo Infinite API. |
Name | Description |
AcademyGetBotCustomization(String) | Get bot customization information. |
AcademyGetContent() | Gets the client manifest for the Academy. |
AcademyGetContentTest(String) | Gets the client manifest for the Academy. From the endpoint name we can infer that this is test data. |
AcademyGetStarDefinitions() | Gets definitions for stars awarded in the Academy. This call breaks if a user agent is specified. |
BanProcessorBanSummary(List<String>) | Gets the summary information for applicable bans to players and devices. |
EconomyAiCoreCustomization(String, String) | Gets information about an individual AI Core. |
EconomyAiCoresCustomization(String) | Get AI core customization for a player. |
EconomyAllOwnedCoresDetails(String) | Get details about all owned cores for a player. |
EconomyArmorCoreCustomization(String, String) | Gets information about a specific armor core a player owns. |
EconomyArmorCoresCustomization(String) | Gets information about all armor cores a player owns. |
EconomyGetActiveBoosts(String) | Gets information about currently active boosts for the player. |
EconomyGetAwardedRewards(String, String) | Gets information about a reward given to a player. |
EconomyGetBoostsStore(String) | Gets information about boosts offering in the store for a given player. |
EconomyGetCustomizationStore(String) | Gets or sets the store customization offers available for a player. |
EconomyGetGiveawayRewards(String) | Gets the information about giveaways available for a given player. |
EconomyGetHCSStore(String) | Gets information about items available for sale in the Halo Championship Series (HCS) store. |
EconomyGetInventoryItems(String) | Gets information about items available in the current player's inventory. |
EconomyGetMainStore(String) | Gets the information about all available items in the main store. |
EconomyGetMultiplePlayersCustomization(List<String>) | Gets information about customizations for multiple players. |
EconomyGetOperationRewardLevelsStore(String) | Gets information about the operations reward levels store. |
EconomyGetOperationsStore(String) | Gets information about the operations store. |
EconomyGetPlayerCareerRank(List<String>, String) | Gets the player career progression status. |
EconomyGetRewardTrack(String, String, String) | Gets information about rewards associated with a given reward track, such as a season or special event. |
EconomyGetSoftCurrencyStore(String) | Gets information about the items available on The Exchange (Soft Currency Store). |
EconomyGetVirtualCurrencyBalances(String) | Gets the amount of currencies that the player has in their account. |
EconomyGetXpGrantsStore(String) | Gets information about items on sale in the XP grants store. |
EconomyOwnedCoreDetails(String, String) | Gets information about a specific owned core. |
EconomyPlayerAppearanceCustomization(String) | Gets the current player appearance customization state. |
EconomyPlayerCustomization(String, String) | Gets information about available player customizations. |
EconomyPlayerOperations(String, String) | Gets available reward tracks for a player based on current and past battle passes. |
EconomyPostCurrencyTransaction(String, String) | Gets information about transactions that the player executed. |
EconomyScheduledStorefrontOfferings(String, String) | Gets information about offerings for a player in a given store. |
EconomySpartanBodyCustomization(String) | Gets the currently active Spartan body customization. |
EconomyVehicleCoreCustomization(String, String) | Gets information about a vehicle core. |
EconomyVehicleCoresCustomization(String) | Gets information about the vehicle core customizations availale to a player. |
EconomyWeaponCoreCustomization(String, String) | Gets information about a specific weapon core. |
EconomyWeaponCoresCustomization(String) | Gets information about weapon cores equipped on a player. |
GameCmsGetAchievements() | Returns the collection of available achievements to unlock in the game. |
GameCmsGetAsyncComputeOverrides() | Gets information about active async compute overrides. Unknown what the concrete purpose of this API is yet. |
GameCmsGetCareerRanks(String) | Gets the list of available career ranks for a given career path ID. |
GameCmsGetChallenge(String, String) | Returns information about an existing challenge. |
GameCmsGetChallengeDeck(String, String) | Gets the information about a specific challenge deck. |
GameCmsGetClawAccess(String) | Returns XUIDs with special access. |
GameCmsGetCpuPresets() | Gets the pre-defined CPU presets for different game performance configurations. |
GameCmsGetCSRCalendar() | Gets the currently available CSR season calendar. This is applicable for ranked games and usually delineates when the rank reset will happen. |
GameCmsGetCurrency(String, String) | Gets the information about a specific currency type. |
GameCmsGetCustomGameDefaults() | Returns the parameters for new custom games started in Halo Infinite. |
GameCmsGetCustomizationCatalog(String) | Gets the full list of existing in-game items. |
GameCmsGetDevicePresetOverrides() | Gets information about graphic device preset overrides. |
GameCmsGetEmblemMapping() | Gets emblem mapping configuration. |
GameCmsGetEvent(String, String) | Gets information about an in-game event. |
GameCmsGetGenericWaypointFile(String) | Gets a file from the Halo Waypoint service. |
GameCmsGetGraphicSpecs() | Unknown what this API specifically returns, but the assumption is that it's configuration for graphic setting overrides. |
GameCmsGetGraphicsSpecControlOverrides() | Gets the queries used to obtain override values for graphic device specifications. |
GameCmsGetGuideImages(String) | Gets a list of all available image files currently used by the multiplayer service. |
GameCmsGetGuideMultiplayer(String) | Gets a list of all available multiplayer files currently used by the multiplayer service. |
GameCmsGetGuideNews(String) | Gets a list of all available news files currently used by the multiplayer service. |
GameCmsGetGuideProgression(String) | Gets a list of all available progression files currently used by the multiplayer service. |
GameCmsGetGuideSpecs(String) | Gets a list of all available spec files currently used by the multiplayer service. |
GameCmsGetGuideTitleAuthorization(String) | Gets a list of all available title authorization files currently used by the multiplayer service. |
GameCmsGetImage(String) | Gets an image for an associated game CMS asset. Example path is "progression/inventory/armor/gloves/003-001-olympus-8e7c9dff-sm.png". |
GameCmsGetItem(String, String) | Gets a specific item from the Game CMS, such as armor emplems, weapon cores, vehicle cores, and others. |
GameCmsGetLobbyErrorMessages(String) | Gets the list of possible error messages that a player can get when attempting to join multiplayer games. |
GameCmsGetMedalMetadata() | Gets a list of all available medals and their metadata. |
GameCmsGetMetadata(String) | Returns metadata on currently available in-game manufacturers and currencies. |
GameCmsGetMultiplayerPlaylistConfiguration(String) | Gets the detailed configuration for a Halo Infinite playlist. |
GameCmsGetNetworkConfiguration(String) | Returns the network configuration for the current flight. |
GameCmsGetNews(String) | Returns the currently relevant news. |
GameCmsGetNotAllowedInTitleMessage() | Returns information about a message that is displayed when, I assume, authentication fails. |
GameCmsGetPlayNowButtonSettings() | Gets the fallback playlist for the Play Now button. |
GameCmsGetProgressionFile<T>(String) | Returns a progression file. This method is using a generic parameter due to the fact that there are multiple progression file variants. |
GameCmsGetRecommendedDrivers() | Get recommended drivers for the current version of Halo Infinite. |
GameCmsGetSeasonCalendar() | Gets the currently available season calendar. |
GameCmsGetSeasonRewardTrack(String, String) | Gets information about a given Halo Infinite season. |
GameCmsGetStoreOffering(String) | Gets the contents of a store offering based on a given path. |
GetApiSettingsContainer() | Gets the list of API settings as provided by the official Halo API. This is the latest version of all available endpoints. |
HIUGCCheckAssetPlayerBookmark(String, String, String, String) | Checks whether the player has favorited a specific asset. |
HIUGCCreateAssetVersionAgnostic(String, String, String, AuthoringSessionSourceStarter) | Creates a new version of an asset as part of a working editing session. |
HIUGCDeleteAllVersions(String, String, String) | Deletes all versions of an asset. |
HIUGCDeleteAsset(String, String, String) | Deletes an asset. |
HIUGCDeleteSessionAgnostic(String, String, String) | Deletes an existing authoring session. |
HIUGCDeleteVersion(String, String, String, String) | Deletes a specific version of an asset. |
HIUGCDiscoveryGet343Recommended() | Gets the list of assets recommended by 343 Industries. |
HIUGCDiscoveryGetCommunityTab() | Gets the collection of community assets. |
HIUGCDiscoveryGetEngineGameVariant(String, String) | Returns metadata about a given engine game variant version. |
HIUGCDiscoveryGetEngineGameVariantWithoutVersion(String) | Gets an engine game variant without an associated version. |
HIUGCDiscoveryGetFilm(String) | Gets the details about a match film. |
HIUGCDiscoveryGetForgeModeCategories() | Gets the Forge Mode Creator Variants, used for mode creator system inside Forge. |
HIUGCDiscoveryGetForgeTemplates() | Gets the collection of Forge templates (canvases) such as Arid, Seafloor, Mires, Void, Argyle, and more. These are suggested maps from which to start when making a new map in Forge. |
HIUGCDiscoveryGetManifest(String, String, String) | Gets a game manifest. |
HIUGCDiscoveryGetManifestByBuild(String) | Gets the current game manifest. |
HIUGCDiscoveryGetManifestByBuildGuid(String) | Gets the game manifest based on a build GUID. |
HIUGCDiscoveryGetMap(String, String) | Returns information about a given map at a specific release version. |
HIUGCDiscoveryGetMapModePair(String, String, String) | Returns information about a given map and mode combination. For example, the Breaker map can be used in Big Team Battle (BTB). |
HIUGCDiscoveryGetMapModePairWithoutVersion(String) | Gets a map and mode combination without the version. |
HIUGCDiscoveryGetMapWithoutVersion(String) | Gets information about a given map. |
HIUGCDiscoveryGetPlaylist(String, String, String) | Gets information about a specific playlist. |
HIUGCDiscoveryGetPlaylistWithoutVersion(String) | Gets information about a specific playlist without its version. |
HIUGCDiscoveryGetPrefab(String, String) | Gets information abouty a specific prefab version. |
HIUGCDiscoveryGetPrefabWithoutVersion(String) | Gets information abouty a specific prefab version. |
HIUGCDiscoveryGetProject(String, String) | Returns the project details that are associated with a given version of a manifest. This manifest contains all the maps and modes to show in the custom game menus. |
HIUGCDiscoveryGetProjectWithoutVersion(String) | Returns information on a project (collection of game modes and maps). This manifest contains all the maps and modes to show in the custom game menus. |
HIUGCDiscoveryGetTagsInfo() | Returns information about available tags that can be associated with game assets. |
HIUGCDiscoveryGetUgcGameVariant(String, String) | Returns information about a game asset version. This information is specific only to the version specified and does not contain general asset metadata. To get general asset metadata, use HIUGCDiscoveryGetUgcGameVariantWithoutVersion. |
HIUGCDiscoveryGetUgcGameVariantWithoutVersion(String) | Returns general asset metadata related to a game asset. |
HIUGCDiscoverySearch(Int32, Int32, Boolean, String, ResultOrder, List<AssetKind>, String) | Searches for assets in the user generated content directory. |
HIUGCDiscoverySpectateByMatchId(String) | Returns information about available film chunks that are used to reconstruct the entire match. |
HIUGCEndSession(String, String, String) | End all active asset authoring sessions for a given asset. |
HIUGCExtendSessionAgnostic(String, String, String, Boolean) | Extends an existing authoring session. |
HIUGCFavoriteAnAsset(String, String, String) | Favorites an asset for the player. |
HIUGCGetAsset(String, String, String) | Gets authoring metadata about a specific asset. |
HIUGCGetAssetRatings(String, String, String) | Gets player-assigned ratings for an asset. |
HIUGCGetBlob(String) | Returns a binary blob using it's path as a reference. |
HIUGCGetLatestAssetVersionAgnostic(String, String, String) | Gets metadata related to the latest version of a specified asset. |
HIUGCGetLatestAssetVersionFilm(String, String) | Gets the films for the latest asset version. |
HIUGCGetPublishedVersion(String, String, String) | Returns a published version of the asset. |
HIUGCGetSpecificAssetVersion(String, String, String, String) | Gets metadata related to a concrete version of a specified asset. |
HIUGCGrantOrRevokePermissions(String, String, String, String, Permission) | Grants or revokes permissions for a player in relation to an in-game asset. |
HIUGCListAllVersions(String, String, String) | Gets information about all versions for a specified asset. |
HIUGCListPlayerAssets(String, String, Int32, Int32, Boolean, String, ResultOrder, List<String>, AssetKind) | Gets information about all authored assets that a player owns. |
HIUGCListPlayerFavorites(String, String) | Gets information about favorite assets of a specific type a player has registered on their account. |
HIUGCListPlayerFavoritesAgnostic(String) | Gets authored favorites a player has registered on their account. |
HIUGCPatchAssetVersion(String, String, String, String, AuthoringAssetVersion) | Update an existing asset version. |
HIUGCPublishAssetVersion(String, String, String, String) | Publishes an asset version. |
HIUGCRateAnAsset(String, String, String, AuthoringAssetRating) | Rates an asset the player has access to. |
HIUGCReportAnAsset(String, String, String, AssetReport) | Reports an asset. |
HIUGCSpawnAsset(String, String, Object, APIContentType) | API for creating new assets. |
HIUGCStartSessionAgnostic(String, String, String, Boolean, AuthoringSessionStarter) | Starts a new authoring session to edit an asset. |
HIUGCUndeleteAsset(String, String, String) | Undeletes a previously deleted asset. |
HIUGCUndeleteVersion(String, String, String, String) | Undeletes a previously deleted asset version. |
HIUGCUnpublishAsset(String, String) | Unpublishes a previously published asset. |
LobbyGetQosServers() | Gets a list of available lobby servers. |
LobbyJoinLobby(String, String, String, Byte[]) | Bootstraps a new lobby. |
LobbyPresence(LobbyPresenceRequestContainer) | Gets the player presence status. |
LobbyThirdPartyJoinHandle(String, String, String, String) | Gets a third-party join handle for a lobby. |
SettingGetFlightedFeatureFlags(String) | Get a list of features enables for a given flight. |
SettingsActiveClearance(String) | Returns the currently active (clearance). |
SettingsActiveFlight(String, String, String) | Returns the currently active flight. |
SettingsGetClearance(String, String, String, String) | Gets the currently assigned clearance/flight ID. |
SettingsGetPlayerClearance(String, String, String, String, String) | Gets the the player clearance/flight ID. |
SettingsPlayerClearance(String, String, String, String) | Gets the the player clearance/flight ID. |
SkillGetMatchPlayerResult(String, List<String>) | Returns individual player stats for a given match. |
SkillGetPlaylistCsr(String, List<String>, String) | Gets playlist Competitive Skill Rank (CSR) for a player or a set of players. |
StatsGetChallengeDecks(String) | Gets challenge decks that are available for a player. |
StatsGetMatchCount(String) | Gets the summary on number of played matches. |
StatsGetMatchHistory(String, Int32, Int32, MatchType) | Gets match history for a player. |
StatsGetMatchStats(String) | Gets stats for a specific match. |
StatsGetPlayerMatchProgression(String, String) | Get challenge progression associated with a given match. |
StatsGetPlayerServiceRecord(String, LifecycleMode, String) | Gets the service record for a player. |
StatsMatchPrivacy(String) | Gets match privacy settings for a given player. |
TextModerationGetSigningKey(String) | Gets a specific moderation proof signing key. |
TextModerationGetSigningKeys() | Gets a list of available moderation proof signing keys. |